by Vance Tan | Feb 8, 2020 | Co-investigators
Chris Kilsby is Professor of Hydrology & Climate Change at Newcastle University. His main research interests are climate change impact assessments in the water sector: water resources, flood risk management and river flow regimes. Specialist climate scenarios in...
by Vance Tan | Feb 8, 2020 | Co-investigators
Nick Jenkins is Professor of Renewable Energy at Cardiff University, having previously worked at University of Manchester (UMIST). He spent 14 years in the energy industry, including 5 years in developing countries. Recent work has involved teaching and research...
by Vance Tan | Feb 8, 2020 | Co-investigators, Uncategorised
Doyne Farmer is Director of the Complexity Economics program at the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School, Professor in the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford, and an External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute. His current...
by Vance Tan | Feb 8, 2020 | Co-investigators
David Cleevely is a member of the IET Communications Policy Panel and the Digital Economy Council, and has served on the Ofcom Spectrum Advisory Board and the Ministry of Defence Board overseeing information systems and services. He is Chairman of the Raspberry Pi...
by Vance Tan | Feb 8, 2020 | Co-investigators
Mark Birkin is Professor of Spatial Analysis and Policy at the University of Leeds. His major research interest is in simulating social and demographic change within cities and regions, and in understanding the impact of these changes on the need for services such as...
by Safa Fanaian | Feb 6, 2020 | Co-investigators
Simon Blainey is an Associate Professor in Transportation at the University of Southampton’s Transportation Research Group and is leading the development of the ITRC transport model along with the associated range of future transport strategies (together with John...