by Vance Tan | Mar 1, 2018 | Collaborations, Digital communications
In autumn 2017, ITRC-MISTRAL digital specialists, Dr Ed Oughton and Dr Zoraida Frias embarked on a project to support the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs in assessing the potential costs of 5G mobile telecommunications infrastructure. This was the first time that...
by Vance Tan | Feb 28, 2018 | Collaborations, Prizes & Awards
National infrastructure systems (energy, transport, water, waste water and solid waste) form the basis of societies’ economic and social wellbeing, requiring significant human and capital investments. Building infrastructure is a long-term commitment that is difficult...
by Vance Tan | Dec 14, 2017 | Collaborations
The National Infrastructure Commission has recommended that ITRC, the Centre for Digital Built Britain and the Alan Turing Institute should collaborate on the development of digital twin pilot project during 2018. See Chapter 5 in the full report, Data for the public...
by Vance Tan | Oct 13, 2017 | Collaborations, Influencing policy
Today (13 October 2017) the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) launched its interim National Infrastructure Assessment, which sets out its vision and priorities for meeting the UK’s long-term infrastructure needs. The NIC is the government’s independent body...
by Vance Tan | Sep 28, 2017 | Collaborations
Researchers from ITRC-MISTRAL have been working with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) to develop a fast-track analysis of infrastructure needs for the small island state of Curaçao, located in the southern Caribbean Sea. Jade Leung, the...
by Vance Tan | Jul 31, 2017 | Collaborations
Jade Leung, one of our research team, has been working with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) to develop a fast-track analysis of the infrastructure needs of the small island state of Curaçao, in the Caribbean, by the end of the year. Curaçao’s...