In this paper, regional freshwater demands for the electricity sector (cooling water for power stations) are investigated against regional freshwater availability at low flows in a scenario of medium climate change. In a future with high levels of fossil fuel generation with carbon capture and storage, electricity sector water demands are expected to greatly exceed current and future availability in the north-west (NW) England, Humber, East (E) Midlands and Thames regions. The research was part of the ITRC programme, involving researchers from Newcastle, Cardiff and Oxford Universities.
Cooling water for Britain’s future energy supply
Byers, E.A., Qadrdan, M., Leathard, A., Alderson, D., Hall, J.W., Amezaga, J.M., Tran, M., Kilsby, C.G. & Chaudry, M.
Cooling water for Britain’s future energy supply. Proceedings of the ICE – Energy, June 2015. DOI: 10.1680/ener.14.00028