It has been argued that in the UK there has been under-investment in critical infrastructure over the last two decades. This in turn has resulted in infrastructure that is less capable of assisting the UK economy to grow. Evidence to substantiate this claim has remained elusive. This article seeks to augment the relevant evidence by undertaking an in-depth analysis of the interlinkages and economic contributions from infrastructure within the UK. It explores the relationship between nine infrastructure sectors and the rest of the UK economy using key-linkages. Each infrastructure sector is shown to be unique in the way it interacts with other economic sectors and in the form of contribution it makes to the economy overall. Infrastructure is a necessary and important part of economic development. The analysis finds that over the last 23 years there has been a decline in the relative economic contribution from infrastructure to UK GVA. Only two infrastructure sectors increased their relative contribution to GVA since 1992 these were the water transport sector and sewerage and sanitary services sector. Railway transport and gas distribution have had the largest relative decline in contribution towards UK GVA with relative contributions decreasing by over 50% since 1992.
Exploring vulnerability and interdependency of UK infrastructure using key-linkage analysis
Kelly, S., Tyler, P. and Crawford‐Brown, D.
Exploring vulnerability and interdependency of UK infrastructure using key-linkage analysis (pdf, 4.7 MB). Working paper, ITRC/ University of Cambridge, 4CMR, 2013.