Edward is an infrastructure data scientist, known for developing decision-support models of digital infrastructure, having carried out 5G assessments for countries around the world. His work provides evidence on effective strategies to connect more people to a faster internet. Such information is vital for ensuring sustainable economic development as most new technologies require internet connectivity. The open-source 5G assessment software he has developed has been used to support national and international policy decisions.
Edward’s research is highly multi-disciplinary, drawing on analytical techniques from engineering and computer science, to answer new questions pertaining to innovation, planning, economics, sustainability and policy. Other research interests include developing novel risk analysis methods and applying them to understand vulnerabilities relating to cyber-attacks and space hazards.
Having been awarded over $750k in research funding, Edward has led many projects for organisations including the World Bank, Facebook Connectivity Lab, Oxford Economics, AIG, the Canadian Space Agency, Airbus Space and Defence, Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, HM Treasury’s National Infrastructure Commission, UK Department for Transport, the UK Met Office and the Asian Development Bank.
In 2017 he was nominated by the US Embassy for the International Visitors Leadership Program based on his digital infrastructure research. Edward holds an MPhil and PhD from the University of Cambridge.


Cyberattacks on London’s electricity networks costing up to £111m daily
New research shows cyberattacks on London’s electricity networks leads to widespread disruption, costing up to £111m daily. Read more