by Vance Tan | Aug 4, 2018
UK statistics agencies (ONS, StatsWales, NRScotland and NISRA) produce mid-year population estimates (MYE), national population projections (NPP), and subnational population projections (SNPP), by age and gender. Mid-year estimates and subnational population...
by Vance Tan | Jun 27, 2018
The report is intended to provide an overview of data and methods produced in accordance with the following deliverables under two phases of the project: Phase 1: Developing a baseline projection for population and employment in UK cities and other places, based on...
by Vance Tan | Dec 13, 2017
humanleague is a microsynthesis package for R and python, with its core implementation in C++. It provides both traditional and novel algorithms for generating synthetic populations from two or more marginal constraints and, optionally, a seed population. The marginal...
by Vance Tan | Nov 20, 2017
Nomisweb (“Nomis – Official Labour Market Statistics” 2017) provide an extremely useful API for querying and downloading UK census data. However, in practice data queries must be built manually and the query URL copied and pasted into user code. This makes...
by Vance Tan | Nov 19, 2017
Background: Microsimulation consists of a set of techniques for estimating characteristics and modelling change in populations of individuals. Aims: To demonstrate how microsimulation can be used by demographers who want to undertake population estimates and...