
Our collaborations range from work with the UK’s National Infrastructure Commission, to projects on Palestine’s infrastructure needs with the United Nations. It includes long-term infrastructure planning with the Brazilian government, assessment of HS2 & climate change, National Grid, JBA on risk of bridge scouring and floods, Defra, Lockheed Martin and several other organisations.

The first long-term view of the UK’s infrastructure needs was published in July 2018 by the National Infrastructure Commission, underpinned by our advanced modelling and analysis.

Investing in infrastructure for an uncertain future is one of the major challenges for governments, policymakers, urban planners and international bodies. Climate change, population growth, emerging technologies and resource shortages has made effective infrastructure planning for a turbulent world a key focus for decades to come.

We are working with national and international partners to help them make infrastructure investments that meet future challenges by developing new tools to evaluate the performance and impact of long-term plans for infrastructure service provision. Using our innovative modelling system-of-systems approach, we help decision-makers analyse long-term strategies and make informed investment decisions.

At the core of our work is analysis of:

  1. the interdependencies of national and international infrastructure to provide an overall assessment and
  2. understanding risk, vulnerabilities and resilience of interdependent networked infrastructure.

Energy, waste management, water supply, telecommunications, transport and many other services must work in tandem to be effective. We work with our collaborators to ensure that the unique geographical, environmental, economic, social and cultural landscape of their remit is fully incorporated into future infrastructure planning.

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